your letter of the 5th instant - перевод на русский
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your letter of the 5th instant - перевод на русский

Letter of the eight; Letter of eight

your letter of the 5th instant      
Ваше письмо от 5-го числа текущего месяца
scarlet letter         
  • Hester Prynne at the [[pillory]], an engraved illustration from an 1878 edition
  • ''She beheld the minister advancing'', illustrated by [[Hugh Thomson]] from a 1920 edition
  • ''The Scarlet Letter'' by [[Hugues Merle]] (1861). Hester Prynne and Pearl in the foreground, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth in background.
The Scarlett Letter; Scarlet Letter; Scarlet letter; Scarlet A; The scarlet letter; The Scarlet Letter: A Romance; The History of The Scarlet Letter; Pearl Prynne
[амер., ист.] алая буква A (символ позора прелюбодейки; прикреплялся ей на грудь)
cover note         
Covering letter; Application letter; Cover Letter; Cover note; Motivation letter; Cover letters; Motivational letter; Letter of motivation



временное свидетельство о страховании (выдаваемое брокером страхователю)


национальная библиотека США, в Вашингтоне. Основана в 1800. В 1993 св. 86 млн. ед. хр., фонд почти универсален (кроме иностранной, сельскохозяйственной и медицинской литературы). Редкие американские издания, коллекции инкунабул, китайской, японской и других литерар; собрание русских изданий (св. 300 тыс. названий, в т. ч. библиотека Г. Юдина). Ведет информационное обслуживание конгресса США, специалистов и других читателей.


The letter of the eight

The "letter of the eight" was an open letter, jointly signed by the prime ministers of five of the then fifteen members of the European Union together with three high representatives for the Central European countries that were to enter the union in 2004, published in the Wall Street Journal, The Times of London, and other international newspapers on 30 January 2003 under the title "Europe and America Must Stand United". It expressed indirect support for United States ambition of a régime change in Iraq in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. To most observers it demonstrated a total division within the EU in respect to foreign policy and attitudes towards international law.

The letter was "conceived of and commissioned" by Mike Gonzalez, at the time a senior editor for the Wall Street Journal's Europe edition.

The letter, from the leaders of Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, accused Saddam Hussein of continuing to develop weapons of mass destruction and urged the UN Security Council to act against that threat. The statement's content was not controversial, as it said that Saddam Hussein should not be allowed to violate UN resolutions, but the exclusion of ten of EU's 15 members was interpreted as a signal of deep division and the difficulty of implementing the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

The letter was on 6 February followed by the Vilnius letter, a more outspoken declaration of support for the position of the United States from the Vilnius Group composed of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, North Macedonia, Romania, and a member of the UN Security Council, Bulgaria.